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Getting Started:

If you are new to Color My Life, this is the place to be. We’ve got all the information you need to help you to be the most productive using the app.

How-To Videos: Getting Started in the Mobile and Web Apps

Getting Started in the Mobile App:

Adding Images in the Mobile App:

Getting Started in the Web App:

Adding Images in the Web App:

Adding New Manufacturers and Storage Locations in the Web App:

Adding New Manufacturers and Storage Locations in the Web App:

Next Steps:

Now that you know the basics, we have additional videos that you may find helpful and answer some of your questions.

How-To Videos: Next Steps in the Mobile and Web Apps

How-To Video: Searching Without a Barcode on the Mobile App

How-To Video: Consolidating Manufacturers and Storage Locations in the Web App

How-To Video: Adding Tags and Searching in the Mobile App


How-To Video: Consolidating Manufacturers and Storage Locations in the Mobile App


How-To Video: Adding content from a Window PC to an Android Phone/Tablet in the Android Mobile App


How-To Video: The Search Feature in Detail in the Mobile App

How-To Video: Adding Tags and Searching in the Web App


How-To Video: Consolidating Manufacturers and Storage Locations in the Web App

Known issues

We will keep you informed of the current status here.


The web version is not yet released, but it is ready. We have to release an updated Android to solve an incompatibility with the web version first, likely around March 8-10th, 2023, then the web version will go out a few days later.


Known issues in Android app version 1.6.1:

  • Category viewing settings are not synced between devices.

note: Android 1.6.3 is in development and will be released around March 8-10th, 2003


Known issues in iOS app version 1.7.0:

  • No known issues at this time


  • Reports are not generating reliably. Smaller accounts can get the CSV format report and sometimes the PDF. We are actively developing a solution.

Please use the contact form in the app or below if you see any issues or have any questions.

Privacy Policy

We take your privacy seriously, not only that, but we use the app too! Here is our policy in detail: Privacy Policy


Terms and Conditions

Yes, still serious stuff, we will get to the interesting questions soon. Here are the terms and conditions for using the app and website: Terms and Conditions

Support contact