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Mar 21st, 2024: Android 1.6.9:
- Fixed the issue where subscriptions were not recognized inside a Set.

Mar 18th, 2024: Web 1.2.2:
- Improved the search logic; more details in the next newsletter
- Bug fix: sometimes changing the primary image, then refreshing the screen, would undo the primary image change

Feb 29th, 2024: Web 1.2.1:
- For items with multiple images, a primary image can be selected to show on the browse screen

Feb 29th, 2024: Android 1.6.8:
- For items with multiple images, a primary image can be selected to show on the browse screen
- Bug fix: Sync issue fixed where editing an item twice quickly might lose the last edits
- Add "Delete account" to About & Support screen
- Correction to subscription text

Feb 29th, 2024: iOS 1.7.2:
- For items with multiple images, a primary image can be selected to show on the browse screen
- Improvements to how tall images display on browse screen
- Bug fix: Categories correctly turn on and off in Settings
- Bug fix: Sync issue fixed where editing an item twice quickly might lose the last edits

Feb 28th, 2024: Web 1.2.0:
- “Scan item barcode”: The barcode catalog can be searched using a barcode scanner or manually entering the barcode number
- Added an "<Empty value>" at the top of the search filters to find empty fields.
- Added a version number (1.2.0) to the bottom of the Settings screen
- Bug fix: Multi-edit of items “Storage” incorrectly changed “Manufacturer” and visa versa

Oct 27th, 2023: Web fixed adding images with capital letter extension, filter not cleared for Manufacturer.
Oct 19th, 2023: Web fixed issue where a manufacturer displays twice, can now set item quantity to zero.
Sept 28th, 2023: iOS 1.7.1 release. Now displays jpg, png, gif, webp images. Works with an Android subscription.
Sep 24th, 2023: Android 1.6.7 released. Works
with an iOS subscription. Fixed intermittent sync bug.
Sep 9th, 2023: Server update to fix iOS trial not working when there is an Android subscription.
Aug 20th, 2023: Web app bug fixes
Jul 12th, 2023: Android 1.6.6:
- Updated Set icon in various places
- Android now recognizes a valid subscription on Apple (pending a server update)
- Bug fix: A connection error sometimes stopped images syncing
Jul 11th, 2023: Web version:
 - Filters on Wishlist and Projects now activate after a few seconds, rather than having to click outside the frame.
 - Bug: The first image added should be the one displayed with the item, it wasn’t always the case.
May 24th, 2023: Android 1.6.5:
Bug fix: Adding item to several sets caused crash. Very tall images are now scaled to a max height.
May 23rd, 2023: Web version, fixed issue with tags not working correctly.
May 7th, 2023: Web version update. no longer logs out after 15 minutes. When adding an image, the paste URL window no longer disappears. When adding an item, you can now create a new Set. Filter values will automatically be applied after 5 seconds.
March 30th, 2023: Released Web Version!!
March 29th, 2023: Released Android 1.6.4. Fixed an issue seen by 10% of users, where it jumps back to the login screen.
Mar 9th, 2023: Released Android 1.6.3. Fixed crashes. Fixed compatibility issue with web version.
Mar 3rd, 2023: Update app server to fix syncing issues when turning categories on and off.
Jan 3rd, 2023: Released iOS 1.7.0. Fixed photo picker, faster image download, support for web version.
Dec 19th, 2022: Released Android 1.6.1. Fixes need to download from the backup on an update, faster image download.
Nov 29th, 2022: Released Android 1.6.0. Pixel camera fix, fixed enable/disable categories, etc.
Nov 8th, 2022: New backend, fixes to PDF reports, adds support for future web app release.
Sept 1st, 2021: Released Android 1.5.0, iOS 1.6.0. Changed Sets to folder image, Inventory Report added (Beta).
May 14th, 2021: iOS 1.5.1 release. Fixes a bug where new content was being cleared when creating/updating an Item.
May 12th, 2021: Android 1.4.0, iOS 1.5.0 released. Scale images, filter on storage location, added a Notes field to items, add items to set using search and filters, but fixes.
Mar 24th, 2021: Update app server to fix incorrectly showing "Duplicate Found" message.
Mar 20th, 2021: Released Android 1.3.0. Search in tags, clear field buttons, find duplicate improvements, bug fixes.
Mar 20th, 2021: Released iOS 1.4.0. Search in tags, clear field buttons, find duplicate improvements, bug fixes.
Mar 5th, 2021: Release Android 1.2.5. Several Sync2 bugs. Screen flicker fixed. Filter "Category" order now correct.
Mar 5th, 2021: Released iOS 1.3.1. Minor Sync2 bug fix.
Feb 15th, 2021: Realised Android 1.2.3. Fixed a bug that caused the app to close on Android 11 Samsung S20/S21 devices.
Feb 3rd, 2021: Released Android 1.2.0. Sync2, better sync logging, improved catalog search
Feb 3rd, 2021: Released iOS 1.3.0. Sync2, improved catalog search
Aug 8th, 2020: Released iOS 1.2.4. Fixed issue with slow tag entry and crashes. Added price to items. Added item count.
July 14th, 2020: Released Android 1.1.2. Added paste image from a link. Fixed catalog image bug. Other minor fixes.
May 19th,2020: Released Android 1.1.1. Bug fixes for initial Android release
April 18th, 2020: Release Android 1.1.0. The first version available on Google Play
January 27th, 2020: Released iOS 1.2.3. Bugfix where barcodes are again added to the item even if not in the catalog, bugfix on the first sync it could sometimes set the sync version without downloading the items. Improved iOS13 support.
Oct 31st, 2019: Released iOS 1.2.2. Added duplicate items warning, long-press menu in Sets, bug fix for iOS 12.x crash & duplicate manufacturers.
Oct 3rd, 2019: Released iOS 1.2.1. Added Paste Image, minor updates.
Sept 6th, 2019: Server update to solve a problem with very long tags not syncing (more than 255 characters).
Sept 1st, 2019: Released iOS 1.2.0. Added Search Barcode Feature, bug fixes for sync.
June 21st, 2019: Released iOS 1.1.1. A bugfix version that reduced the occurrence of dropping from Trial mode to Free mode.
June 4th, 2019: Release iOS 1.1. The first version available in the Apple App Store.